Welcome to our Health Promotion Zone. Here we have provided information to help you live a healthier lifestyle and get more from your medicines. This page contains links to a wide variety of services and pages, including those provided by the NHS. You will be able to see details of current health campaigns as well as search for information about medicines and medical conditions. We’re here to talk to you too! If you’d like to speak to our pharmacist about your health, please don’t hesitate to give us a call and we’ll be able to advise.
Important links:
NHS Health A-Z | NHS Conditions A-Z | NHS Treatments A-Z
Current NHS Health Campaigns | Coronavirus Updates
Age Concern & Help The Aged | Alzheimer’s Society
Blood Pressure Association | Breakthrough Breast Cancer
British Heart Foundation | British Lung Foundation
Cancer Research UK | Diabetes UK
Epilepsy Action | Parkinson’s Disease Society
The Patients Association | The Stroke Association